30 March 2010
27 March 2010
Another great morning moving furniture for CHO ( -- a truck _full_ of sofas.
23 March 2010
Definitely not a good WW-plan day. My schedule got disrupted & I let it derail me. Here's to a fresh start tomorrow.
22 March 2010
Now I'm really excited -- 52.6 pounds tonight! Can't remember the last time I was this far under 220.
I must say, I'm not hurting as badly today as I expected after my walk-jog outing yesterday. This might work after all. :)
21 March 2010
Got a pair of "real" running shoes from The Running Store yesterday. Went on my first-step walk-run today (complete with my new skinny shorts :D)
19 March 2010
Biggest accomplishment yet - I just bought a pair of 36/38 exercise shorts! Getting close to high-school sizes. :D